Our Programme

Sunday Morning | Worship Service
08:00AM GMT

Every Tuesday| Answers From Above (Prayer | Holy Ghost Hour)
09:00AM GMT

Weekly Services

Feel free to join our weekly services and be blessed in Jesus name

Answer from Above

Prayer is the fuel that empowers the church to go and to do the work that it was created to do.
Please join us At 9am for our weekly Prayer ANSWER FROM ABOVE!💥Never neglect the power of prayer; invite your friends and family.

Spiritual Clinic

Join Us every Tuesday at at 7PM - Prayer | Bible Study | Holy Ghost Hour


As followers of Jesus, we are to consistently go before God boldly, shamelessly, and persistently in prayer. Without mid-night prayer, the church is powerless.

Join us every last Friday of every month at 11:30pm for our monthly special VIGIL as we Engage the Heavens in marathon prayers. 🙏🏾


Annual Omega Week

After a successful MFM UK Youths’ Goshen Retreat earlier in the year, and the amazing testimonies recorded in the lives of participants (both physical and virtual), the Lord has laid it upon our hearts to appreciate his goodness and mercies in our lives and destinies, by holding a Praise & Worship concert.

Past Events

Goshen Camp Retreat

From the scripture: Genesis 47, the word Goshen signifies a land of comfort and plenty.

The scriptural significance of Goshen has motivated the organization of this retreat. Without a doubt, the last 2 years has been challenging globally; we look to seek comfort and plenty in the presence of God. God alone can guide. He alone can walk hand-in-hand with us on the journey of our lives.

CAC Answer Sanctuary, a Christ Apostolic Church dedicated to worship, prayer, and the powerful manifestation of God’s answers to all life’s challenges. We are a family of believers committed to helping you discover purpose, experience God’s love, and grow deeper in your faith.


7, Isan Street, Olaoluwa, Alaso, Lagos.

Service Times
Sundays at 8:00 AM GMT
Tuesday at 9:00 PM GMT

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